Rotation actuator for Tension- Torsion measurements:
Torque response as varies with twsit/openning level,
Measurement resolution: 30deg/100d
Load elongation curve
The rope stiffness is measured after 10 loading cycles.
Direct measurement of the elongation:
Generally we use LVDT device installed along the rope
for direct elongation measurement, accordingly avoiding the ends effect.
LVDT for elongaiton measurment
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Static measurements
The measurements of the mechanical properties of wire ropes as: stiffness, breaking load torque factor, load torque response are important in order to follow on the rope quality, production quality and the rope performance under specific loading and application.
M.R.E. is equipped with a tension torsion machine with a capacity of 2.5 [MN], a span of 5 m' rope sample, a rotation actuator, LVDT devices and a series of load cells with different load range.
These facilities and instruments provide the ability to measure the following rope and cable characteristics.
Axial stiffness
Tension and elongation
Torque factor and its variance with lay length
Torsion stiffness
Tension rotation response - open end, swivel condition
Breaking load as varies with rotation/lay length
Breaking load under specific damage: residual strength
Static and dynamic strain measurements along individual wires under different loading conditiions
Fatigue and static tests on wire ropes require sterile conditions with regard to the terminations i.e. verification of equal load sharing between strands.
We generally use strain gauges installed along individual wires at different strands in order to verify the validation of the test results and the perfection of the socketing/termination process. Moreover, strain measurements will provide important information with regard to the stress filed along the wires.
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