Bending gatigue machine: simple and reverse for large diameter ropes up to 44 mm
Bending gatigue machine: simple and reverse
Dynamic tension control according to application, capacity up to 20 Ton, sheave diameter - up to 1200 mm.  This machine is working to simulate grab cranes, drag lines and generic testing
Fatigue Testing for drum winders mining, heavy duty cranes and large rope diameters
M.R.E. developed specific fatigue machines to simulate the loading cycles in deep Koepe shafts, deep drum winders mining shafts and heavy duty cranes.
The machines were designed for the testing of large diameter ropes, up to 70 mm.
Today, these machines are working for the evaluation and reviewing of the discarding criteria in deep drum winders and deep Koepe applications: deep > 2000 m' .
Tension - Tension Fatigue 
M.R.E is equipped with a Tension - Tension fatigue testing machine with the following capacities and capabilities:
  • Tension range: 0 - 400[kN]  (40 Ton)
  • Rope sapn: up to 6 m'
  • Cycle stroke: up to 100 mm
  • The load cycle is of a sinusoidal shape
  • Cyclic duration: up to 1,000 cycles/hour
  • Load control: 3% accuracy with respect to the maximal load
  • Displacement control: 2% of the required displacement


 Tension - Torsion Fatigue testing
A rotation actuator which is controlled and initiated during tensioning cycling provides the ability to conduct tension tension fatigue testing combined with rotation.
Test machine capabilities are: 

  • Tension fatigue loading: 0-250 [kN] load range
  • Up to 250 deg/m rotation deformation to both directions: open and twist
  • Length of rope sample: up to 4.5 m', depends on the level of rotation level.
Bending Over Sheaves under constant axial load

                           Bending fatigue machine for large diameter ropes

By means of a modular construction M.R.E. provides the ability to conduct simple and reverse bending fatigue tests for ropes and wire ropes.

According to the required sheave arrangement, extensive fatigue testing may be conducted. 
  • Up to 2,5000 [mm] sheave's pitch diameter
  • Load control
  • Maximal rope tension load: 800 [kN] 

Bending over Sheaves with fluctuating tension load
Deep drum winders mining applications and specific crane applications include bending over sheaves combined with tension fluctuations. By specific mechanisms and controlling system M.R.E. may provide the ability to test wire ropes under bending over sheaves with tension fluctuations at specific timing. 
This also applies for applications where slack conditions are prevail as in grab cranes.


   An example of a loading cycle which includes:
reverse bending and tension - tension loading at specific timing
This specific fatigue test machine was designed in order to conduct bending tests under fluctuating tension which may be controlled under the typical  loading cycle of the application. The machine may be applied to ropes up to 70 mm.
This machine was applied to test 40 and 50 mm to simulate the grab and excavator ropes and drum winders installed at deep and shallow sahfts.
The machine is designed to simulate the loading conditions of the rope's back end including lay lenght variaitons.  
Measuring rope properties during fatigue testing
During service life and while accumulating fatigue and abrasion damage the mechanical properties and constructional properties of the rope are changing.
The change in rope properties is directly associated with the fatigue damage and the constructional changes.
M.R.E. provides the ability to measure rope properties and constructional changes during fatiguer testing.
These include:
  • Monittoring rope diameter during fatigue testing
  • Monittoring rope stiffness
  • Monitoring rope torque factor
  • Monitoring rope stretcing during cycling


This data is important for the characterization and correlation between fatigue damage and rope properties.
Moreover, test experience shows theat at specific application and rope construction, this change in properties may be correlated to the discard criteria.   

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© M.R.E. Matron Rope and Wire Rope Engineering LTD, All rights expressly reserved.




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